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Apple Keynote is just 3 hours away. How to not miss it?

Apple Keynote is just 3 hours away. How to not miss it?

This is the second time Apple is hosting the keynote in the middle of the coronavirus pandemic. Now it's easier than ever to watch the keynote online.

Many people and rumours around the web are expecting Apple to release the new iPhone 12 together with a new iPad pro and Apple Watch series 6. The good news is that the Apple Keynote is just 3 hours away and loads of Apple fans are waiting impatiently to see what Apple will surprise them with.

In sort, rumours expect the iPhone 12 to be released with a slightly larger screen of 6.7", meaning it will look more like a phablet. 

In terms of looks, it's expected to be very similar to its predecessor, the iPhone 11, but of course it will most likely boast a faster processing power.

Similar rumours with the new iPad Pro as well as the Apple Watch 6 series.

How to watch the Apple Keynote today?

Apple will begin broadcasting it's event on its official events website at the 15th of September 6pm UK time, 1pm Eastern Time and 10am Pacific Time. Apple has a link which allows you to save the even time and date in your calendar, so you won't miss it.

While the event is on, TechLunar will be noting the important updates given in a new article.

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George K.

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